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Thursday 20.04.2023
Guest Speaker: Prof. Mor Naaman, Cornell Tech
Presentation: “My AI must have been broken”: Understanding our Future of AI-Mediated Communication
Thursday 25.05.2023
Guest Speaker: Prof. Vasilis Syrgkanis, Stanford University
Presentation: Estimating the Long-Term Effects of Novel Treatments
Thursday 15.06.2023
Guest Speaker: Prof. Ahmed M. Alaa, Berkeley University of California
Presentation: Conformal Meta-Learners for Predictive Inference of Individual Treatment Effects
Thursday 20.07.2023
Guest Speaker: Prof. Lu Cheng, University of Illinois Chicago
Presentation: Applied Causal Inference with Surrogate Representation
Thursday 27.07.2023
Guest Speaker: Prof. Dokyun Lee, Boston University
Presentation: InnoVAE: Generative AI for Understanding Patents and Innovation