PhD Position
Please note that this is not an official job posting, but only information for interested candidates who would like to apply on their own initiative. We expect applications in English.

Please note that this is not an official job posting, but only information for interested candidates who would like to apply on their own initiative. We expect applications in English.
We are a team of international researchers led by Prof. Stefan Feuerriegel to push the frontier of AI for decision-making. Our team is highly diverse and comes from different countries and areas (e.g., machine learning, statistics, economics, engineering). We develop, implement, and evaluate new AI algorithms to improve data-driven decision-making. Our team publishes regularly in the top-tier AI/ML conferences (e.g., NeurIPS, ICML, KDD) but also in application-oriented outlets (e.g. Nature Communications, Management Science). Importantly, our institute has a double affiliation with the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Statistics, which allows us to pursue a broad vision aimed at impact across teaching and research.
Our institute is also home to the new Causal ML Lab at LMU Munich.
You will be in a motivated, international team with a very vibrant atmosphere. Our offices are in central Munich. During this time, participation in conferences, summer schools, and voluntary exchange programs are also supported. Work is almost entirely research-centered with limited teaching duties.
We work with an international network of researchers (e.g., Harvard, Yale, NYU, Cambridge) to develop solutions for today’s and tomorrow’s global challenges. It is common for successful candidates to visit our international network for research stays at their premises.
Past graduates have landed top positions in both industry (e.g., BCG, startups with multi-million seed funding) and academia (e.g., University of Oxford, ETH Zurich).
The position is initially for 2 years, with an option to extend until the end of the PhD. The starting date can be set individually, based on mutual agreement.
LMU Munich is an equal opportunity employer, committed to enhancing the diversity of its faculty. We encourage female candidates to apply.
People with disabilities who are equally as qualified as other applicants will receive preferential treatment.
Ideally, the candidate has a Master’s degree in one of the following fields (or a related field):
Our team language is English, so fluency in English is required.
Generally, PhD students can pursue either (A) a method track or (B) an application track (or a combination thereof).
In the (A) method track, the aim is to make contributions to the top-tier outlets from ML/AI (e.g., NeurIPS, ICML, AISTATS, KDD). Here, we typically focus broadly on methods around causal machine learning. This includes (but is not limited to):
In the (B) application track, we aim to advance decision-making through new AI/ML tools across various application areas (e.g., sustainability, medicine, marketing). Here, PhD students regularly publish in various high-impact outlets (e.g., Nature Communications, Nature Medicine, Management Science, KDD) If desired, PhD students can collaborate actively with partners (e.g., Harvard Medical School, Cambridge Centre for AI in Medicine) to solve the big problems of time. The focus is to show the value created by new AI/ML tools and to apply them in practice. This includes:
Our research group is always open to own research proposals and further suggestions.
Please send us your CV and transcript to . A cover letter, internship reports, or certificates are not required.
We are also open for applications from post-doctoral researchers. The research fields are equal to the above described PhD positions. The application process is the same. In addition, please provide us with some information about your research, qualifications and your motives, submitted by email to