Prof. Dr. Deborah Schanz, StB
Head of the Institute
Institute for Taxation and Accounting

Head of the Institute
Institute for Taxation and Accounting
Deborah Schanz is head of the Institute for Business Taxation at LMU. She conducts research on corporate taxation, the complexity of tax systems, international tax law and digitalization. Deborah Schanz heads the "Arbeitskreis Steuern" of the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., is a member of the board of the German section of the International Fiscal Association (IFA), the advisory board of the Institut Finanzen und Steuern (ifst) and is Principal Investigator of the Collaborative Research Center TRR 266 - "Accounting for Transparency" funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft, DFG). In 2022, Deborah Schanz was a visiting fellow at the Centre for Business Taxation at Oxford University. She regularly comments on tax topics in print, radio and TV. As a tax expert, she advises the German Bundestag and the OECD. Deborah Schanz is a member of the German Federal Ministry of Finance's expert commission "Simplified Corporate Tax", which was established in 2023.
CV of Prof. Dr. Schanz (PDF, in German) (PDF, 106 KB)
Final report of the expert commission “Simplified corporate tax”
Members of the expert commission
Radio and Podcasts
Print- and Online-Media