Trends in Corporate Governance and Audit

Delving into auditing topics relevant to practitioners.

  • DE - Bitte beachten: Es gibt keine deutsche Kursseite, da der Kurs nur in Englisch angeboten wird.
  • EN - Please note: This page has no German version because the course is only offered in English.

Please e-mail directly to the course supervisor in order to register

CourseTrends in Corporate Governance and Audit
ChairInstitute for Accounting, Audit and Analysis
LecturerProf. Dr. Thorsten Sellhorn
Assistants Cathrin Hausmann
Weekly hours
Target groupB.Sc. in Business Administration
ExaminationFinal Exam
RegistrationPlease register until 18.04.2024 by e-mailingCathrin Hausmann
ContentEU Regulation is causing shifts in the audit landscape, influencing the evolution of the audit market and impacting the procedure and components of the audit. Deloitte is hosting an in-house workshop where students or groups will present, providing a direct look into Corporate Governance & Audit with numerous examples. The workshop includes a lecture, evaluated presentations, and a one-hour exam, earning participants 6 ECTS points. It will be led by Prof. Dr. Martin Plendl, former CEO of Deloitte Germany, and Julius A. Pinckernelle, Partner at Deloitte Germany.
Course Dates19/04/2024; 26/04/2024; 03/05/2024 (Deloitte); 17/05/2024; 07/06/2024; 28/06/2024 (Deloitte)
Time8 am until 12 pm (cum tempore), unless otherwise communicated
Room416; Deloitte events will occur at their Atlas building (Rosenheimer Str. 143 a-d.)