Research and Teaching at the Institute of Accounting, Auditing and Analysis

Accounting and auditing encompasses the collection, processing and provision of information from economically active organisations and markets. Information is deemed relevant if it provides insights into both the economic status quo and future expectations, as well as the social responsibility that the organisation assumes through its daily actions and business activities.

Well on the Geschwister-Scholl-Platz with wintery atmosphere

50 years LMU School of Management

The LMU Munich School of Management is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. In 1974, the Faculty of Public Economics was divided into a business and an economics faculty. This occasion calls for celebrating this joy with two anniversary events with you!


Job Vacancies

Are you interested in becoming part of our team? We are looking for dedicated scientific staff and student assistants. Feel free to send your meaningful application documents at any time with the subject 'Unsolicited Application' to



  • 12 Apr
    30 Apr
    12/04/2024 - 30/04/2024 External Event: KPMG Summerclash

    Our external partner KPMG offers students a further interesting career event to gain insights into practice. Application possible until end of April.

Job opportunities