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Registration to the course Advanced Accounting (MSc) now possible
Registration for the practice-oriented master's course Advanced Accounting is now open.
Visiting researcher Nico Lehmann on how disclosure affects competition
Nico Lehmann (Rotterdam) presents his research on how disclosure mandates affect the competitive position of firms
Visiting researcher Maximilian Muhn talks about Large Language Models
Maximilian Muhn (Chicago) presents his research on financial analysis through large language models
Prof. Christian Leuz holds inspiring talk at Accounting Research Workshop
As part of the Accounting Research Workshop (ARW), Prof. Dr. Christian Leuz (University of Chicago) presented his research on banks' proprietary trading.
Ann-Kristin Großkopf and Prof. Sellhorn receive societal impact award as co-authors
Ann-Kristin Großkopf and Prof. Sellhorn receive an award as co-authors for their field experiment conducted in the LMU cafeteria.
Excellent education for auditors!
The latest university study by manager magazin in cooperation with Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Management und Beratung mbH (WGMB) honors LMU for excellent teaching in the subject of auditing.
05 NovPresentation of the Munich Accounting Pioneers Award
The Munich Accounting Pioneers Award, presented by the RWP in cooperation with Deloitte, honors outstanding achievements in accounting and auditing in three categories: best bachelor's, master's, and doctoral thesis.
12 Apr—30 AprExternal Event: KPMG Summerclash
Our external partner KPMG offers students a further interesting career event to gain insights into practice. Application possible until end of April.