Research Cooperations
TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency is a supra-regional Collaborative Research Centre funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Our team of more than 100 dedicated researchers investigates how accounting and taxation influence the transparency of companies and how regulations and corporate transparency affect the economy and society. The aim is to develop effective regulation for corporate transparency and a transparent tax system. We also ensure transparency in our own research. You can find more information on the TRRs 266 Accounting for Transparency websiteTRR 266
The SRN is a developing platform, in co-operation with researchers from the University of Frankfurt and the University of Cologne, among others. It is designed to enable companies, users and researchers of sustainability information to easily find and compare the requirements of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards (IFRS SDS) and the GRI Standards. It also serves to retrieve and compare sustainability reporting practices of companies and to find out about stakeholder preferences and new developments in corporate sustainability reporting. You can find more information on the SRN.Sustainability Reporting Navigator website
As an independent, transdisciplinary think tank based at LMU Munich, CIRS develops science-based expertise that uses transparency to support the transformation of organisations towards a financially, ecologically and socially sustainable economy and society. In this way, CIRS contributes to LMU's "Earth and Environment" profile area.