Further Information
Director, Institute of Health Economics and Health Care Management
Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center for Environmental Health (GmbH)
Web: www.helmholtz-muenchen.de/en/igm/index.html
Co-ordinator, Munich Center of Health Sciences
Web: www.en.mc-health.uni-muenchen.de/index.html
Academic C.V.
- 1980 diploma in economics, 1987 PhD in economics, University of Munich
- 1989-1992 head of the Department Health System Analysis, Institute for Medical Informatics and Health Systems Research (MEDIS), GSF, Neuherberg, Germany
- 1992-1996 Chair, Department of Health Economics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
- 1996-2003 Chair, Department of Health Economics, Faculty of Mathematics and Economics; elected member of the Medical Faculty, University of Ulm, Germany
- since September 1, 2003, Chair, Health Economics and Health Care Management, Munich School of Management and Director, Institute of Health Economics and Health Care Management, Helmholtz Center Munich - German Research Center for Environmental Health
- since 2006 on Co-ordinator of the LMU Munich Center of Health Sciences
- 2014 Chair of the German Association of Health Economics