Innovating for Impact Winter Term

The master seminar empowers students to explore topics around the multidimensional impacts of innovation using a rigorous & scientific approach.

  • DE - Bitte beachten: Es gibt keine deutsche Kursseite, da der Kurs nur in Englisch angeboten wird.
  • EN - Please note: This page has no German version because the course is only offered in English.

Quick Info: Master | Seminar | English | Winter Semester | 6 ECTS


Master Seminar: "Innovating for Impact" Winter Term
Institute for Innovation Management
Prof. Dr. Jelena Spanjol
Dr. Marcelo de la Cruz
Target Group
Presentation (15 minutes per student) and seminar paper (22,200 signs per student). Each examination part accounts for 50% of the final seminar grade.
Feeding and Managing the Innovation Pipeline
New Products: From Ideas to Markets (PO2015) (recommended)

If you are interested in pursuing a master thesis at the IIM, this seminar is one of the possible prerequisites. (Please also see the guidelines for Master Theses on the ISC website).Course Material.
Course Material
Kick-off slides and recommended readings
Every winter term
Examination Guidelines / Attendance
Per examination guidelines, your attendance at the kick-off session makes your participation in the seminar binding.
Application / Participation
BWL-students are welcome to apply by sending an email to Dr. Marcelo de la Druz ( with
- a brief letter of motivation (~half page),
- CV,
- current grade transcript (Notenspiegel)
by October 8th, 2024 at 23:59.

WOS-students are welcome to apply by sending an email to Dr. Marcelo de la Cruz ( with
- a brief letter of motivation (~half page),
- CV,
- current grade transcript (Notenspiegel)
by October 13th, 2024 at 23:59.

Acceptance / rejections will be sent to you no later than Friday, October 11th, 2024,
Course content
Businesses are increasingly required to not only consider the economic or financial consequences of their practices but also how these affect the environment, other stakeholders, and society in general. The seminar provides students an opportunity to conduct a structured inquiry into a specific and relevant research question through a scientific research project. For the duration of the semester, student work in teams to produce an original academic research paper. The seminar topics focus on innovation-related questions.
Course objective
The seminar is dedicated to helping students develop their academic reading, writing, and research skills. Special attention will be paid to identifying theoretical and managerial contributions in the research paper and translating between managerial questions and scientific body of knowledge, writing a scientific paper, and presenting the findings. This seminar also serves as a preparation for students who are interested in writing a master thesis on topics related to innovation management.
Course schedule
The course schedule can be found in LSF.
Please notice that this chedule might be subjedt to change.
Exam registration
Cancellation of registration

Please note that the schedule is preliminary and subject to change. Please check back often in LSF.

What is this course about?

Innovation is the hallmark of a firm that grows, prospers, and makes its mark on both the industry and the world. However, innovations’ externalities are often overlooked. Students will look into the impacts of innovation and how innovations can be deployed to achieve positive impact.

What will I gain from this course?

Students will deepen their academic writing skills: Understanding how to define research questions, conduct a literature review, report on approaches, and write a research paper. In terms of method, students will learn to adopt an empirical-first approach to conduct research that is motivated by a real-world phenomenon, problem, or observation. Upon defining the research questions, students explore and analyze data collected from accessible archival sources, with the aim to add new insights to the literature.

How is the seminar conducted?

  • You will work in teams.
  • To most effectively provide guidance to students, the maximum number of participants is limited to 15.
  • We are planning three mandatory and three voluntary meeting sessions for this seminar.
  • Per examination guidelines, your attendance at the kick-off session makes your participation in the seminar binding.