impACTup!: Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Better Futures

It will be on YOU to change our world!

  • DE - Bitte beachten: Es gibt keine deutsche Kursseite, da der Kurs nur in Englisch angeboten wird.
  • EN - Please note: This page has no German version because the course is only offered in English.

Quick Info: Bachelor | Seminar | English | Sommer and Winter Semester | 6 ECTS

Teaser "Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Better Futures"

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0:46 | 19 Feb 2024 | ©LMU Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center


CourseBegriff (Term)
impACTup!: Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Better Futures
LMU Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center
Prof. Dr. Jelena Spanjol
Kira Brinkmann
Viktoria Unger
Hours per week
Target Group
Open for all students from all levels and disciplines at LMU.
Seminar poster and semanar paper composed of reflections notes taken during the entire course.
No prior knowledge required.
Course Material
The course material consists of the input provided in digital sessions and additional learning material provided via Moodle.
Every semester
6 ECTS BWL and WiPäd Students
3 ECTS depending on your study program.Faculty Approval
For more information please contact
Application / Participation
The seminar is an on-demand online course delivered via Moodle. Further information about the registration will be provided via LSF.
Course content
For a detailed outline of the course content, please read the course syllabus.
Course objective
The course introduces entrepreneurship as an effective tool for implementing sustainable innovations. You will learn how to tackle the most pressing societal and environmental challenges of our time. In the interdisciplinary sessions that are facilitated by professors from multiple faculties at LMU Munich, University of Augsburg, and the CDTM, you will learn about impact as a guiding principle for entrepreneurship. We discuss which stakeholders are important for entrepreneurs and how impact can be holistically achieved and measured. Thanks to interactive digital classes, you will learn how sustainable business models are developed, as well as how startups are financed and sustained in the long term. You will develop an impact-oriented mind- and skillset over the course duration, gain a new holistic perspective on value creation and destruction, be conscious of the value of impactful innovations and be able to translate theory into practice. The impact-oriented knowledge you will gain can not only be applied in your own field of study or in your professional career, but also in your daily life.
Exam registration
Cancellation of registration
Please send an email to .