Our Research Projects

Our ​​interdisciplinary research explores questions at the intersection of entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability. We conduct theoretically grounded research and seek to co-create societal and economic value together with businesses, policymakers and the public. Our work is participatory and collaborative, ensuring that joint learning and knowledge transfer happen continuously and consistently. We work inter alia on values, meaning and hybridity in entrepreneurship; grand challenges, sustainability and new forms of organizing; digitalisation, management and innovation; and impact, scholarship and futures.

Organizing Desirable Futures

Organizing Desirable Futures: Sustainable Transformation, Impactful Scholarship & Grand Challenges” is an EGOS Standing Working Group. We act as a platform for scholars interested in developing future-oriented organization theory to tackle societal grand challenges. The group mobilizes the EGOS community to jointly work on new ways of knowing, and offer new approaches to theorizing that can contribute towards desirable futures. We aim to stimulate methodological and theoretical innovation for the elaboration, critical reflection, and theorizing of desirable futures; foster a research agenda towards impactful scholarship, and how organization scholars can create societal impact and contribute to the development of desirable futures; and create an international community of scholars that unites various streams of research on desirable futures from different research traditions.


The "impACTup!" project has been funded the Bavarian Ministry of Science and the Arts to foster impact-oriented entrepreneurship among students and academic staff. New impact-oriented entrepreneurship courses will be widely integrated in graduate and undergraduate curricula at LMU and at University of Augsburg. The aim of the project is to bring scientific topics relevant to entrepreneurship into the curricula and to translate findings from research into practical applications. To achieve this objective, research, teaching and start-up activities will be linked and complement each other. New courses and activities are jointly designed by LMU and University of Augsburg and intended to achieve a wide reach, effectiveness and durability at both universities.

For more information, please contact Dr. Julia Wimmer.

Impact Entrepreneurship Education

The "Impact Entrepreneurship Education" research project aims to discover and provide the most effective entrepreneurship education. It involves examining best practices and evaluating the impact of courses based on specific criteria. The project's objective is to develop a state-of-the-art Impact Entrepreneurship Education program that equips individuals with the necessary knowledge, mindset, and skills to succeed as Impact Entrepreneurs. The project objective is to understand and develop innovative education that fosters entrepreneurship for positive social and environmental change. Through rigorous evaluation, the project identifies key methodologies for successful Impact Entrepreneurship Education, empowering aspiring entrepreneurs to make a meaningful difference.

For more information, please contact Dr. Barbara Wolf.

Impact Measurement and Valuation Lab

The Impact Measurement and Valuation Lab (IMV-Lab) research project focuses on the impact measurement and evaluation potential of social innovations. The project pursues the critical evaluation and empirical application of distinct approaches to impact measurement. The objective of the project involves the development and application of a comprehensive set of instruments for measuring environmental and social impacts of social innovations. The project is conducted in collaboration with Professor Laura Edinger-Schons from the University of Hamburg.

For more information, please contact Dr. Amyn Vogel.