Sie finden die Publikationsliste auf der Webseite des Instituts für Gesundheitsökonomie und Management im Gesundheitswesen.
- Hodiamont, F. ; Schatz, C. ; Gesell, D. ; Leidl, R. ; Boulesteix, A.-L. ; Nauck, F. ; Wikert, J. ; Jansky, M. ; Kranz, S. ; Bausewein, C. (2022)
COMPANION: development of a patient-centred complexity and casemix classification for adult palliative care patients based on needs and resource use – a protocol for a cross-sectional multi-centre study
erschienen in: BMC Palliat Care 21, 18. - Kurz, C.; König, A. (2022)
Predicting time preference from social media behavior
erschienen in: Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 130, 155-163 - Schatz, C. ; Leidl, R.; Plötz, W. ; Bredow, K. ; Buschner, P. (2022)
Preoperative patients’ health decrease moderately, while hospital costs increase for hip and knee replacement due to the first COVID-19 lockdown in Germany
erschienen in: Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopiy, accepted. - Schatz, C. ; Klein, N. ; Marx, A. ; Buschner, P. (2022)
Preoperative predictors of health-related quality of life changes (EQ-5D and EQ VAS) after total hip and knee replacement: a sytematic review
erschienen in: BMC Musculoskelet Disord 23, 58. - Kurz, C.; König, A.; Emmerts-Fees, K.; Allen, L.D. (2022)
The Effect of Differential Privacy on Medicaid Participation Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups
erschienen in: Health Services Research 07 May 2022
- Kurz, C. (2021)
Augmented Inverse Probability Weighting and the Double Robustness Property
erschienen in: Medical Decision Making. July 2021. doi:10.1177/0272989X211027181 - Brand, I.; Gilberg, L. ; Bruger, J. ; Gari, M. ; Wieser, A. ; Eser, TM.; Frese, J. ; Ahmed, MIM.; Rubio-Acero, R. ; Guggenbuehl Noller, JM.; Castelletti, N. ; Diekmannshemke, J.; Thiesbrummel, S.; Huynh, D. ; Winter, S. ; Kroidl, I. ; Fuchs, C. ; Hoelscher, M. ; Roider, J. ; Kobold, S.; Pritsch, M. ; Geldmacher, c. ; Geldmacher, C on behalf of the KoCo19 study (2021)
Broad T Cell Targeting of Structural Proteins After SARS-CoV-2 Infection: High Throughput Assessment of T Cell Reactivity Using an Automated Interferon Gamma Release Assay
erschienen in: Front Immunol. 12:688436 - Krack, G. ; Kirsch, F.; Schwarzkopf, L.; Schramm, A.; Leidl, R. (2021)
Can adherence to and persistence with ILAB therapy improve the quality of life of COPD patients? Results from a German disease management program
erschienen in: Clinical Drug Investigation epub first 12 Oct - Teni, FS.; Rolfson, O.; Berg, J. ; Leidl, R. ; Burgström, K. (2021)
Concordance among Swedish, German, Danish and UK EQ-5D-3L value sets in the measurement of health-related quality of life of patients undergoing total hip replacement in Sweden
erschienen in: Journal of Clinical Medicine 10(18), 4205 - Burns, J.; Hoffmann, S. ; Kurz, C.; Laxy, M.; Polus, S.; Rehfuess, E. (2021)
COVID-19 mitigation measures and nitrogen dioxide - A quasi-experimental study of air quality in Munich, Germany
erschienen in: Atmos Environ. 2021 Feb 1;246:118089 - Burns, J. ; Kurz, C.; Laxy, M. (2021)
Effectiveness of the German disease management programs: quasi-experimental analyses assessing the population-level health impact
erschienen in: BMC Public Health volume 21, Article number: 2092 - Stöber, A. ; Lutter, J. ; Schwarzkopf, L. ; Kirsch, F. ; Schramm, A. ; Vogelmeier, C. ; Leidl, R. (2021)
Impact of clinical changes on health-related quality of life in COPD patients within one year: Real world analysis based on claims data
erschienen in: International Journal of COPD (16) 2637–51 - Teni, FS. ; Gerdtham, UG.; Leidl, R. ; Aström, M. ; Sun, S. ; Henriksson, M.; Burgström, K. (2021)
Inequality and heterogeneity in health-related quality of life: findings based on a large sample of cross-sectional EQ-5D-5L data from the Swedish general population
erschienen in: Quality of Life Research epub first 10 Oct - Huber, MB.; Schneider, N. ; Kirsch, F. ; Schwarzkopf, L.; Schramm, A.; Leidl, R. (2021)
Long-term weight gain in obese COPD patients participating in a disease management program: a risk factor for reduced health-related quality of life
erschienen in: Respiratory Research 14;22(1):226 - Kurz, C. ; König, A. (2021)
The causal impact of sugar taxes on soft drink sales: evidence from France and Hungary
erschienen in: Eur J Health Econ. 2021 Apr 1. doi: 10.1007/s10198-021-01297-x. Online ahead of print. - Pedron, S. ; Kurz, C.; Schwettmann, L. ; Laxy, M. (2021)
The Effect of BMI and Type 2 Diabetes on Socioeconomic Status: A Two-Sample Multivariable Mendelian Randomization Study
erschienen in: Diabetes Care 2021 Jan; dc201721. - Kurz, C. (2021)
Understanding differential privacy
erschienen in: Significance, 18:24-27
- Burns, J.; Hoffmann, S. ; Kurz, C. ; Laxy, M. ; Polus, S.; Rehfuess, E. (2020)
COVID-19 mitigation measures and nitrogen dioxide - A quasi-experimental study of air quality in Munich, Germany
erschienen in: Atmos Environ. 2020 Nov 22: 118089. [Epub ahead of print] - König, A. (2020)
Domain‐specific risk attitudes and aging—A systematic review
erschienen in: Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Wiley Online Libary, 6. November 2020 - Kirsch, F. ; Schramm, A. ; Kurz, C. ; Schwarzkopf, L. ; Lutter, J. ; Szentes, B. ; Leidl, R. (2020)
Effect of BMI on health care expenditures stratified by COPD Gold severity grades: Results from the LQ-DMP Study
erschienen in: Respiratory Medicine Nov 02 - Kirsch, F. ; Becker, C. ; Kurz, C. ; Schramm, A. (2020)
Effects of adherence to pharmacological secondary prevention after acute myocardial infarction on health care costs - an analysis of realworld
erschienen in: BMC Health Services Research 20.1 pp. 1-17. BioMed Central - Kirsch, F.; Becker, C. ; Schramm, A.; Maier, W. ; Leidl, R. (2020)
Effects of continuous enrollment in a structured Disease Management Program in patients with coronary artery disease after acute myocardial infarction on adherence to guideline recommended medication, health care expenditures, and survival
erschienen in: European Journal of Health Economics, 1 Feb - Burström, K.; Teni, FS.; Gerdtham, UG; Leidl, R.; Helgesson, G. ; Rolfson, O.; Henriksson, M. (2020)
Experience-based Swedish TTO and VAS value sets for EQ-5D-5L health states
erschienen in: Pharmacoeconomics 38(8):839-56 - Felix, J.; Stark, R.; Teuner, CM; Leidl, R.; Lennerz, B. ; Brandt, S. ; von Schnurbein, J. ; Moss, A. ; Ballow, E. ; Sergeyev, E. ; Mühlig, Y. ; Wiegand S. ; Holl, R.W. ; Reinehr, T. ; Kiess, W. ; Scherag, A. ; Hebebrand, J. ; Wabitsch, M. ; Holle, R. (2020)
Health related quality of life associated with extreme obesity in adolescents - results from the baseline evaluation of the YES-study
erschienen in: Felix et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 18:58 - Schwander, B.; Nuijten, M. ; Hiligsmann, M. ; Queally, M. ; Leidl, R. ; Joore, M. ; Oosterhoff, M. ; Frew, E. ; van Wilder, P. ; Postma, M. ; Evers, S. (2020)
Identification and Expert Panel Rating of Key Structural Approaches applied in Health Economic Obesity Models - Kurz, C. ; Stafford, S. (2020)
Isolating cost drivers in interstitial lung disease treatment using nonparametric Bayesian methods
erschienen in: Biometrical Journal, accepted: 14 August 2020, doi:10.1002/bimj.202000076 - Tarricone, R. ; Ciani, O.; Torbica, A. ; Brouwer, W.; Charloutsos, G.; Drummond, MF.; Martelli, N. ; Persson, U. ; Leidl, R.; Levine, L. ; Sampietro-Colom, L.; Taylor, R. (2020)
Lifecycle evidence requirements for high-risk implantable medical devices: a European perspective
erschienen in: Review of Medical Devices, 17(10):993-1006 - Teni, FS.; Burström, K.; Berg, J. ; Leidl, R. ; Rolfson, O. (2020)
Predictive ability of American Society of Anaesthesiologists physical status classification on health-related quality of life of patients after total hip replacement: comparison across eight EQ-5D-3L value sets
erschienen in: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 21:441 - Radon, K.; Saathof, E. ; Pritsch, M. ; Guggenbühl Noller, J. ; Kroidl, I.; Olbrich, L. ; Thiel, V. ; Diefenbach, M. ; Riess, F. ; Forster, F.; Theis, F. ; Wieser, A. ; Hoelscher, M. ; KoCo19 collaboration group (2020)
Protocol of a population-based prospective COVID19 cohort study Munic, Germany (KoCo19)
erschienen in: BMC Public Health 20(1):1036 - Kurz, CF.; König, AN. (2020)
The causal influence of maternal obesity on preterm birth
erschienen in: Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2020 Feb;8(2):101-103. doi: 10.1016/S2213-8587(19)30406-1. Epub 2019 Dec 20 - Huber, MB; Kurz, C. ; Kirsch, F. ; Schwarzkopf, L.; Schramm, A. ; Leidl, R. (2020)
The relationship between body mass index and health-related quality of life in COPD: real-world evidence based on claims and survey data
erschienen in: Respiratory Research 21:291
- Kähm, K. ; Stark, R. ; Laxy, M. ; Schneider, U. ; Leidl, R. (2019)
Assessment of excess medical costs for persons with type 2 diabetes according to age groups: an analysis of German health insurance claims data
erschienen in: Diabet Med. Dec 13. epub first - Kirsch, F.; Schramm, A. ; Schwarzkopf, L.; Lutter, J.; Szentes, B. ; Huber, M. ; Leidl, R. (2019)
Direct and Indirect Costs of COPD Progression and its Comorbidities in a Structured Disease Management Program: REsults from the LQ-DMP Study
erschienen in: Respiratory Research 20(1):15, - Lennerz, BS.; Moss, A.; von Schnurbein, J. ; Bickenbach, A. ; Bollow, E. ; Brandt, S. ; Luetke-Brintrup, D. ; Mühlig, Y. ; Neef, M.; Ose, C. ; Remy, M. ; Stark, R.; Teuner, C.; Wolters, B.; Kiess, W.; Scherag, A. ; Reinehr, T. ; Holl, RW.; Holle, R. ; Wiegand, S. ; Hebebrand, J. ; Wabitsch, M. (2019)
Do adolescents with extreme obesity differ according to previous treatment seeking behavior? The Youth with Extreme obesity Study (YES) cohort
erschienen in: Int J Obes (Lond). Jan;43(1):103-115. doi 10.1038/s41366-018-0237-4. Epub 2018 Oct 27. - Olm, M.; Stark, R.; Beck, N. ; Röger, C. ; Leidl, R. (2019)
Impact of interventions to reduce overnutrition on healthcare costs related to obesity and type 2 diabetes: a systematic review
erschienen in: Nutrition Reviews, epub first 26 Nov, nuz070 - Arnold, M. ; Pfeifer, K. ; Quante, A.S. (2019)
Is risk-stratified breast cancer screening economically efficient in Germany?
erschienen in: PLoS ONE 14:e0217213 - Szentes, BL.; Schwarzkopf, L.; Kirsch, F. ; Schramm, A. ; Leidl, R. (2019)
Measuring quality of life in COPD patients: Comparing disease-specific supplements to the EQ-5D-5L
erschienen in: Expert Reviews of Parmacoeconomic Outcomes, Received 14 May 2019, Accepted 28 Aug 2019, Published online: 12 Sep 2019 - Felix, J.; Becker, C. ; Vogl, M.; Buschner, P.; Plötz, W. ; Leidl, R. (2019)
Patient characteristics and valuation changes impact quality of life and satisfaction in total knee arthroplasty - results from a German prospective cohort study
erschienen in: Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 17:180 - Huber, M.; Kurz, C. ; Leidl, R. (2019)
Predicting patient-reported outcomes following hip and knee replacement surgery using supervised machine learning
erschienen in: BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 19:3 - Witt, S. ; Krauss, E. ; Barbero, NMA.; Müller, V. ; Bonniaud, P. ; Vanceri, C. ; Wells, A. ; Vasakova, M. ; Pesci, A. ; Klepetko, W.; Seeger, W. ; Crestani, B. ; Leidl, R. ; Holle, R. ; Schwarzkopf, L. ; Günther, A. (2019)
Psychometric proberties and minimal important differences of SF-36 in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
erschienen in: Respiratory Research 20(1):47 - Leidl, R. (2019)
Social media, bots and research performance
erschienen in: European Journal of Public Health 29(1):1 - Lutter, J.; Szentes, B. ; Wacker, M. ; Winter, J.; Wichert, S. ; Peters, A. ; Holle, R. ; Leidl, R. (2019)
The association of risk attitudes with the utilization of medical and preventive services, work absence and costs: results from the population-based KORA FF4 study
erschienen in: Health Economics Reviews 9(1):26 - Kurz, CF.; Rehm, M.; Holle, R. ; Teuner, C.; Laxy, M. ; Scharzkopf, L. (2019)
The effect of bariatric surgery on health care costs: A synthetic control approach using Bayesian structural time series
erschienen in: Health Economics, 2019 Sept 5. doi 10.1002/hec.3941 (Epub ahead of print) - Hodiamont, F.; Jünger, S. ; Leidl, R. ; Maier, BO.; Schildmann, E. ; Bausewein, C. (2019)
Unterstanding Complexity - the Palliative Care Situation as a Complex Adaptive System
erschienen in: BMC Health Services Research. 19:157 - Schildmann, W. ; Hodiamont, F. ; Leidl, R. ; Maier, BO.; Bausewein, C. (2019)
Which reimursement system fits inpatient palliative care? A qualitative interview study on clinicians ' and financing experts' experiences and views
erschienen in: Journal of Palliative Medicine 22(11): 1378-85
- Becker, C.; Leidl, R.; Schildmann, E. ; Hodiamont, F.; Bausewein, C. (2018)
A pilot study on patient-related costs and factors associated with the cost of specialist palliative care in the hospita: First steps towards a patient classification system in Germany
erschienen in: Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation 16:35, - Trapero-Bertran, M.; Munoz, C.; Coyle, K.; Coyle, D.; Lester-George, A.; Leidl, R.; Bertalan, N. ; Cheung, KL; Pokhrel, S.; Lopez-Nicolás, A. (2018)
Cost-effectiveness of alternative smoking cessation scenarios in Spain: results from the EQUIPTMOD
erschienen in: Addiction 113(S1):65-75 - Huber, MB.; Präger, M. ; Stark, R. ; Lester-George, A. ; Coyle, K. ; Coyle, C. ; Pokhrel, S. ; Leidl, R. (2018)
Cost-effectiveness of increasing the reach of smoking cessation interventions in Germany: results from the EQUIPTMOD
erschienen in: Addiction 113(S1):52-64 - Präger, M.; Kiechle, M. ; Stollenwerk, B. ; Hinzen, C. ; Glatz, J. ; Vogl, M. ; Leidl, R. (2018)
Costs and effects of intra-operative fluorescence molecular imaging - a model-based, early assessment
erschienen in: PLoSOne 13(6):e0198137 - Krack, G.; Holle, R.; Kirchberger, I.; Kuch, B. ; Amann, U. ; Seidl, H. (2018)
Determinants of adherence and effects on health-related quality of life after myocardial infarction: a prospective cohort stucy
erschienen in: BMC Geriatrics 18:136 - Coyle, K.; Coyle, D.; Lester-George, A.; West, R. ; Nemeth, B.; Hiligsmann, M. ; Trapero-Betran, M.; Leidl, R. ; Pokhrel, S.; on behalf of the EQUIPT Study Group (2018)
Development and Application of an Economic Model (EQUIPTMOD) to assess the Impact of Smoking Cessation
erschienen in: Addiction 113(S1):7-18 - Trapero-Bertran, M.; Leidl, R.; Munoz, C. ; Kulchaitanaroaj, P.; Coyle, K.; Präger, M.; Józwiak-Hagymásy, J. ; Cheung, KL; Hiligsmann, M.; Pokhrel, S. (2018)
Estimates of costs for medelling return on investment from smoking cessation interventions
erschienen in: Addiction 113(S1):32-41 - Griese, M. ; Seidl, E. ; Hengst, M. ; Reu, S. ; Rock, H. ; Antony, G. ; Kiper, N. ; Emiralioglu, N. ; Snijders, D. ; Goldbeck. L. ; Leidl, R. ; Ley-Zaporozhan, J. ; Krueger-Stollfuss, I.; Kammer, B. ; Wesselak, T. ; Eismann, C. ; Schams, A. ; Neuner, D. ; McLean, M. ; Nicholson, A. ; MCann, L. ; Clement, A. ; Epaud, R. ; de Blic, J. ; Ashworth, M. ; Aurora, P. ; Calder, A. ; Wetzke, M. ; Kappler, M. ; Cunningham, S. ; Schwerk, N. ; Bush, A.; and the other chILD-EU collaborators (2018)
International management platform for children's interstitial lung disease (chILD-EU)
erschienen in: Thorax. 73(3):231-239 - Kisch, R. ; Bergmann, A. ; Koller, D. ; Leidl, R. ; Mansmann, U. ; Mueller, M. ; Sanftenberg, L. ; Schelling, J. ; Sundmacher, L. ; Grill, E. (2018)
Patient trajectories and their impact on mobility, social participation and quality of life in patients with vertigo/dizziness/balance disorders and osteoarthritis (MobilE-TRA): study protocol of an observational, practice-based cohort study
erschienen in: BMJ open 8:e022970, doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-022970 - Arnold, M.; Quante, A. (2018)
Personalized Mammography Screening and Screening Adherence - A Simulation and Economic Evaluation
erschienen in: Value in Health.Volume 21, Issue 7, 799-808 - Szentes, BL.; Kreuter, M. ; Bahmer, T. ; Birring, S. ; Claussen, M. ; Waelscher, J. ; Leidl, R. ; Schwarzkopf, L. (2018)
Quality of life assessment in interstitial lung diseases: a comparison of the disease-specific K-BILD with the generic EQ-5D-5L
erschienen in: Respiratory Research 19:101 - Vogl, M.; Schildmann, E.; Leidl, R.; Hodiamont, F.; Kalies, H.; Maier, BO.; Schlemmer, M.; Roller, S.; Bausewein, C. (2018)
Redefining Diagnosis-Related Groups (DRGs) for palliative care - a cross-sectional study in two German centres
erschienen in: BMC Palliative Care 17:58 - Walter, J. ; Tufman, A.; Leidl, R.; Holle, R. ; Schwarzkopf, L. (2018)
Rural versus urban differences in end-of-life care for lung cancer patients in Germany
erschienen in: Supportive Care in Cancer epub first 4 Feb - Laxy, M. ; Teuner, CM.; Holle, R.; Kurz, C. (2018)
The association between BMI and health-related quality of life in the US population: sex, age and ethnicity matters
erschienen in: International Journal of Obesity. 42, 318-326. - Kulchaitanaroaj, P. ; Kaló, Z.; West, R. ; Cheung, KL; Evers, S. ; Voko, Z. ; Hiligsmann, M.; de Vries, H.; Owen, L. ; Trapero-Bertran, M.; Leidl, R.; Pokhrel, S. (2018)
Understanding perceived availability and importance of tobacco control interventions to inform European adoption of a UK economic study
erschienen in: BMC Health Services Research 18:115 - Huber, MB; Vogelmann, M. ; Leidl, R. (2018)
Valuing health-related quality of life: Systematic variation of health perception
erschienen in: Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 16:156
- Skordis-Worrall, J.; Round, J.; Arnold. M.; Abdraimova, A.; Akkazieva, B.; Beran, D. (2017)
Adressing the double-burden of diabetes and tuberculosis: lessons from Kyrgyzstan
erschienen in: Globalization and Health 13:16 DOI 10.1186/s12992-017-0239-3 - Leidl, R.; Reitmeir, P. (2017)
An Experience-Based Value Set for the EQ-5D-5L in Germany
erschienen in: Value in Health 201, 1150-1156 - Mühlig, Y. ; Scherag, A. ; Bickenback, A. ; Giesen, U; Holl, R. ; Holle, R. ; Kiess, W. ; Lennerz, B. ; Lütke Brintrup, D. ; Moss, A. ; Neef, M. ; Ose, C. ; Reinehr, T. ; Teuner, CM.; Wiegand, S.; Wolters, B. ; Wabitsch, M. ; Hebebrand, J. (2017)
A Structured, Manual-Based Low-Level Intervention vs. Treatment as Usual Evaluated in a Randomized Controlled Trial for Adolescents with Extreme Obesity - the STEREO Trial
erschienen in: Obes Facts. 2017 Sep; 10(4): 341–352. Published online 2017 Aug 9. doi: 10.1159/000475717 - Karl, FM.; Holle, R. ; Bals, R. ; Greulich, T. ; Jörres, RA.; Karch, A. ; Koch, A. ; Karrasch, S.; Leidl, R.; Schulz, H.; Vogelmeier, C. ; Wacker, ME. for the COSYCONET Study Group (2017)
Costs and health-related quality of life in alpha-1-antitrypsin deficient COPD patients
erschienen in: Respiratory Research 18:60 - Korber, K. (2017)
Expert opinions on good practice in evaluation of health promotion and primary prevention measures related to children and adolescents in Germany
erschienen in: BMC Public Health 17:764 DOI 10.1186/s12889-017-4773-y - Hoogendoorn, M. ; Feenstra, T. ; Asukai, Y.; Briggs, A. ; Hansen, RN.; Leidl, R. ; Risebrough, N. ; Samyshkin; Wacker, M. ; Rutten van-Mölken, M. (2017)
External validation of cost-effechtiveness models for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): report of the third COPD modelling meeting
erschienen in: Value in Health 20(3):397-403 - Huber, MB.; Felix, J.; Vogelmann, M.; Leidl, R. (2017)
Health-related quality of life in the general German population in 2015: Results from the EQ-5D-5L
erschienen in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14(4):426 - Heijink, R. ; Reitmeir, P. ; Leidl, R. (2017)
International comparison of experienced-based health values
erschienen in: Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. - Salvatore, I.; Wolfenstetter, SB.; Brüske, I.; Heinrich, J.; Berdel, D.; von Berg, A.; Lehmann, I.; Standl, M.; Teuner, CM. (2017)
Prices of over-the-counter drugs used by 15-year-old adolescents in Germany and their association with socioeconomic background
erschienen in: BMC Public Health 17:904. Published online 2017 Nov25. doi: 10.1186/s12889-017-4923-2 - Arnold, M. (2017)
Simulation modeling for stratified breast cancer screening - a systematic review of cost and quality of life assumptions
erschienen in: BMC Health Services Research 17:802 DOI 10.1186/s12913-017-2766-2 - Seidl, H.; Hunger, M.; Meisinger, C.; Kirchberger, I.; Kuch, B. ; Leidl, R.; Holle, R. (2017)
The 3-year cost-effectiveness of a nurse-based case management versus usual care for elderly patients with myocardial infarction: Results from the KORINNA follow-up study
erschienen in: Value Health 20, 441-450 - Wacker, ME.; Kitzing, K.; Jörres, R.A.; Leidl, R.; Schulz, H.; Karrasch, S. ; Karch, A.; Koch, A. ; Voglemeier, C.F. ; Holle, R. for the COSYCONET Study Group (2017)
The contribution of symptoms and comorbidities to the economic impact of COPD: An analysis of the German COSYCONET cohort
erschienen in: International Journal of COPD 4 Dec, 12:3437-48 - Laxy, M.; Stark, R.; Peters, A.; Hauner, H.; Holle, R.; Teuner, CM. (2017)
The Non-Linear Relationship between BMI and Health Care Costs and the Resulting Cost Fraction Attributable to Obesity
erschienen in: Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2017 Sep; 14(9): 984.
- Wacker, ME.; Jörres, RA.; Karch, A.; Wilke, S. ; Heinrich, J.; Karrasch, S.; Koch, A.; Schulz, H.; Watz, H.; Leidl, R.; Vogelmeier, C.; Holle, R. for the COSYCONET-Consortium (2016)
Assessing health-related quality of life in COPD: comparing generic and disease-specific instruments in COPD patients with focus on comorbidity
erschienen in: BMC Pulmonary Medicine 16:70 - Leidl, R.; Schweikert, B. ; Hahmann, H.; Steinacker, J. ; Reitmeir, P. (2016)
Assessing quality of life in a clinical study on heart rehabilitation patients: Comparison of a value set based on experienced health with one based on given health states.
erschienen in: Health and Quality of Life Outcomes14_48 - Leidl, R.; Wacker, M. ; Schwarzkopf, L. (2016)
Better understanding of the health care costs of lung cancer and the implications
erschienen in: Expert Review of Resiratory Medicine 10(4):373-5 - Krack, G.; Zeidler, H.; Zeidler, J. (2016)
Claims Data Analysis of Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitor Treatment Dosing Among Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Systematic Review of Methods
erschienen in: Drugs-Real World Outcomes 3.3: 265-278. - Arnold, M.; Beran, D.; Haghparast-Bidgoli, H.; Batura, N. ; Akkazieva, B. ; Abdraimova, A.; Skordis-Worrall, J. (2016)
Coping with the economic burden of Diabetes, TB and co-prevalence: evidence from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
erschienen in: BMC Health Services Research 16:118. DOI 10.1186/S12913-016-1369-7 - Stollenwerk, B. ; Welchowski, T. ; Vogl, M. ; Stock, S. (2016)
Cost-of-illness studies based on massive data: A prevalence-based, top-down regression approach
erschienen in: Eur. J. Health econ. 17, 235-244 - Wacker, ME. ; Jörres, RA.; Schulz, H.; Heinrich, J.; Karrasch, S. ; Karch, A. ; Koch, A. ; Peters, A. ; Leidl, R. ; Vogelmeier, C. ; Holle, R. ; COSYCONET-Consortium (2016)
Direct and indirect costs of COPD and its comorbidities: Results from the German SOSYCONET study
erschienen in: Respir Med 2016 Feb;111:39-46 - Kirsch, F. (2016)
Economic Evaluations of Multicomponent Disease Management Programs with Markov Models: A Systematic REview
erschienen in: Value Health. 2016 Dec;19(8):1039-1054.doi:10.1016/j.jval.2016.07.004. Epub 2016 Sep 16. - Huber, M. ; Reitmeir, P.; Leidl, R. (2016)
EQ-5D-5L in the German general population: Comparison and evaluation of three yearly cross-section surveys
erschienen in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13: 343 - Schwarzkopf, L.; Wacker, M.; Ertl, J.; Hapfelmeier, J. ; Larisch, K. ; Leidl, R. (2016)
Impact of chronic ischemic heart disease on the health care costs of COPD patients - an analysis of Germans claims data
erschienen in: Respiratory Medicine 118(9):112-18 - Vogl, M.; Leidl, R. (2016)
Informing management on the future structure of hospital care: An extrapolation of trends in demand and cost in lung diseases
erschienen in: European Journal of Health Economics 17(4):505-17 - Vogl, M. ; Warnecke, G. ; Haverich, A. ; Gottlieb, J. ; Welthe, T. ; Hatz, R. ; Hunger, M. ; Leidl, R. ; Lingner, H.; Behr, J. ; Winter, H. ; Schramm, R. ; Zwissler, B. ; Hagl, C. ; Strobl, N. ; Jaeger, C. ; Preissler, G. (2016)
Lung transplantation in the spotlight: Reasons for high cost procedures
erschienen in: Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation pii: S1053-2498(16)30165-6 - Walter, J. ; Vogl, M.; Holderried, M. ; Brandes, A. ; Sinner, M.F.; Maschmann, J. (2016)
Manual compression versus vascular closing device for closing acess puncture site in femoral left-heart catheterization and percutaneous coronary interventions: A retrospective cross-sectional comparison of costs and effects in inpatient care
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The impact of preoperative patient characteristics on health states after total hip replacement and related satisfaction thresholds: a cohort study
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The impact of preoperative patient characteristics on the cost-effectiveness of total hip replacement: a cohort study
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Impact of educational level on health-related quality of life (HRQL). Results from Germany based on the EuroQol (EQ-5D)
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Improving patient-level costing in the English and the German "DRG" system
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A Lifetime Markov Model for the Economic Evaluation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
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An economic perspective on childhood obesity: Recent findings on cost-of-illness and cost-effectiveness of interventions
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Dementia care in the general practice setting: a cluster randomized trial on the effectiveness and cost impact of three management strategies
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Excess costs of dementia disorders and the role of age and gender. An analysis of German health and long-term care insurance claims data
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Exposure to second hand smoke and direct healthcare costs in children - Results from the two German birth cohorts - GINIplus and LISAplus
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Disease management programmes for patients with cronary heart disease - An empirical study of German programmes
erschienen in: Health Policy. 2008 Dec;88(2-3):176-85. - von der Schulenburg, JM.; Greiner, W.; Jost, F.; Klusen, N.; Kubin, M.; Leidl, R.; Mittendorf, T.; Rebscher, H.; Schoeffski, O.; Vauth, C.; Volmer, T.; Wahler, S.; Wasem, J.; Weber, C.; and the Hanover Consensus Group. (2008)
German recommendations on health economic evaluation – Third and updated version of the Hanover Consensus
erschienen in: Value Health. 2008 Jul-Aug;11(4):539-44. - Kuhn, KA.; Knoll, A.; Mewes, HW.; Schwaiger, M.; Bode, A.; Broy, M.; Daniel, H.; Feussner, H.; Gradinger, R.; Hauner, H.; Höfler, H.; Holzmann, B.; Horsch, A.; Kemper, A.; Krcmar, H.; Kochs, EF.; Lange, R.; Leidl, R.; Mansmann, U.; Mayr, EW.; Meitinger, T.; Molls, M.; Navab, N.; Nüsslin, F.; Peschel, C.; Reiser, M.; Ring, J.; Rummeny, EJ.; Schlichter, J.; Schmid, R.; Wichmann, HE.; Ziegler, S. (2008)
Informatics and Medicine: From Molecules to Populations
erschienen in: Methods Inf Med. 2008;47(4):283-95. - Neubauer, S.; Holle, R.; Menn, P.; Grossfeld-Schmitz, M.; Graesel, E. (2008)
Measurement of informal care time in a study of patients with dementia
erschienen in: Int Psychogeriatr. 2008 Dec;20(6):1160-76. - Leidl, R. (2008)
Promoting economic value in public health
erschienen in: European Journal of Public Health 18(3): 216-216.
- Quentin, W.; Neubauer, S.; Leidl, R.; König, HH. (2007)
Advertising bans as a means of tobacco control policy: A systematic literature review of time-series analyses
erschienen in: Int J Public Health, volume 52, 295-307. - (2007)
Current impact of gene technology on healthcare: A map of economic assessment
erschienen in: Health Policy. 2007 Feb;80(2):340-57.
- Stratmann-Schoene, D.; Kuehn, T.; Kreienberg, R.; Leidl, R. (2006)
A preference-based index for the SF-12
erschienen in: Health Econ, Volume 15, Issue 6, 553-64. - Stark, R.; König, HH.; Leidl, R. (2006)
Costs of inflammatory bowel disease in Germany based on a Cost Diary
erschienen in: Pharmacoeconomics 24 (8) : 797 - 814. - Schweikert, B.; Jacobi, E.; Seitz, R.; Cziske, R.; Ehlert, A.; Knab, J.; Leidl, R. (2006)
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an additional psychological treatment in the rehabilitation of chronic low back pain
erschienen in: Journal of Rheumatology 33 (12):2519-26. - (2006)
Genetic screening by DNA technology: A systematic review of health economic evidence
erschienen in: Int J Technol Assess Health Care. 2006 Summer;22(3):327-37. - Neubauer, S.; Welte, R.; Beiche, A.; König, HH.; Büsch, K.; Leidl, R. (2006)
Mortality, morbidity and costs attributable to smoking in Germany: Update and a 10-year comparison
erschienen in: Tobacco Control 15 (6) : 464 - 71. - Schweikert, B.; Hahmann, H.; Leidl, R. (2006)
Validation of the EuroQol questionnaire in cardiac rehabilitation
erschienen in: Heart 92:62-7.
- Welte, R.; Postma, MJ.; Leidl, R.; Kretzschmar, M. (2005)
Costs and Effects of Chlamydial Screening: Dynamic versus Static Modeling
erschienen in: Sex Transm Dis. 2005 Aug;32(8):474-83.
- Hammerschmidt, T.; Zeitler, HP.; Gulich, M.; Leidl, R. (2004)
A comparison of different strategies to collect standard gamble utilities
erschienen in: Medical Decision Making 24(5):493-503. - Welte, R.; Feenstra, T.; Jager, JC.; Leidl, R. (2004)
A decision chart for assessing and improving the transferability of economic evaluation results between countries
erschienen in: Pharmacoeconomics 22(13):857-876. - Hammerschmidt, T.; Zeitler, HP.; Leidl, R. (2004)
A utility-theoretic approach to the aggregation of willingness to pay measured in decomposed scenarios
erschienen in: Health Economics 13:345-351. - Ebinger, M.; Leidl, R.; Mack, B.; Thomas, S.; von Tirpitz, C.; Reinshagen, M.; Adler, G.; König, HH. (2004)
Costs of outpatient care in patients with inflammatory bowel disease in a German University Hospital
erschienen in: Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Feb;19(2):192-199. - Schulz, E.; Leidl, R.; König, HH. (2004)
The impact of ageing on hospital care and long-term care - The example of Germany
erschienen in: Health Policy 67(1):57-74.2003
- Monz, B.; König, HH.; Leidl, R.; Staib, L.; Link, KH. (2003)
Cost effectiveness of addition folinic acid to 5- fluorouracil plus levamisole as adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with colon cancer in Germany
erschienen in: Pharmacoeconomics 12(10):709-719. - Leidl, R. (2003)
Medical progress and supplementary private health insurance
erschienen in: The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance. Issues and Practice 28(2):222-237. - Hammerschmidt, T.; Zeitler, HP.; Leidl, R. (2003)
Unexpected yes- and no-answering behaviour in the discrete choice approach to elicit willingness to pay: a methodological comparison with payment cards
erschienen in: International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics 3(3):147-166.
- Ebinger, M.; Rieber, A.; Leidl, R. (2002)
Cost-effectiveness of MR Imaging and Enteroclysis in the Diagnostic Imaging of Crohn’s Disease
erschienen in: International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 18(3):711-717. - König, HH.; Barry, JC.; Leidl, R.; Zrenner, E. (2002)
Economic evaluation of orthoptic screening: results of a field study in 121 German kindergartens
erschienen in: Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science Oct;43(10):3209-15. - Müller, A.; Stratmann-Schöne, D.; Klose, T.; Leidl, R. (2002)
Overview of economic evaluation of positron-emission tomography
erschienen in: European Journal of Health Economics 3(1):59-65. - König, HH.; Ulshöfer, A.; Gregor, M.; von Tirpitz, C.; Reinshagen, M.; Adler, G.; Leidl, R. (2002)
Validation of the EuroQol questionnaire in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
erschienen in: European Journal of Gastroentrology & Hepatology 14(11):1205-1215.
- Leidl, R.; Sintonen, H.; Abbühl, B.; Hoffmann, C.; von der Schulenburg, JM.; König, HH. (2001)
Do physicians accept quality of life and utility measurement? An Austrian, Finnish, and German survey
erschienen in: European Journal of Health Economics 2(4):170-175.
- Welte, R.; Kretschmar, M.; Leidl, R.; van den Hoek, A.; Jager, JC.; Postma, MJ. (2000)
Cost-effectiveness of screening programs for Chlamydia trachomatis: A population based dynamic approach
erschienen in: Sexually Transmitted Diseases 27(9):518-529. - Postma, MJ.; Kornarou, H.; Paparizos, V.; Leidl, R.; Tolley, K.; Kyriopoulos, J.; Jager, JC. (2000)
Hospital care for persons with AIDS in European Union countries - A cross-country comparison
erschienen in: Health Care Management Science 3(1):1-7. - Klose, T.; Leidl, R.; Buchmann, I.; Brambs, HJ.; Reske, SN. (2000)
Primary staging of lymphomas: cost-effectiveness of FDG-PET versus computed tomography
erschienen in: European Journal of Nuclear Medicine 27(10):1457-1464. - Welte, R.; König, HH.; Leidl, R. (2000)
The costs of health damages and productivity losses attributable to cigarette smoking in Germany
erschienen in: European Journal of Public Health 10(1):31-38.
- Rutten-van Mölken, MPMH.; Postma, MJ.; Joore, MA.; van Genugten, MLL.; Leidl, R.; Jager, JC. (1999)
Current and future medical costs of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the Netherlands
erschienen in: Respiratory Medicine 93(11): 779-787. - Baltussen, R.; Leidl, R.; Ament, A. (1999)
Real world designs in economic evaluation - Bridging the gap between clinical research and policy making
erschienen in: Pharmacoeconomics 16(5 pt 1):449-458.
- Postma, MJ.; Jager, JC.; Ruwaard, D.; van Loy, NCM.; Leidl, R. (1998)
Disease-staging for modelling current and future health care impact of diseases - Illustrations for Diabetes Mellitus and AIDS
erschienen in: Health Policy 43(1): 45-54. - Leidl, R.; Stratmann, D. (1998)
Economic evaluation is essential in health care for the elderly: A Viewpoint
erschienen in: Drugs and Aging 13(5):255-262. - Baltussen, R.; Reinders, A.; Sprenger, M.; Postma, MJ.; Jager, JC.; Ament, A.; Leidl, R. (1998)
Estimating excess hospitalization related to influenca: The case of the Netherlands
erschienen in: Epidemiology and Infection 121 (1): 129-38. - Goossens, MEJB.; Rutten-van Mölken, MPMH.; Kole-Snijders, AMJ.; Vlaeyen, JWS.; van Breukelen, G.; Leidl, R. (1998)
Health economic assessment of behavioural rehabilitation in chronic low back pain: A randomized clinical tria.
erschienen in: Health Economics 7(1):39-51.
- Starmanns, B.; Leidl, R.; Rhodes, G. (1997)
A comparative study on cross-border hospital care in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine
erschienen in: European Journal of Public Health 7 (3 suppl):33-41. - Rhodes, G.; Wiley, M.; Tomas, R.; Casas, M.; Leidl, R. (1997)
Comparing EU hospital efficiency using diagnosis-related groups
erschienen in: European Journal of Public Health 7 (3 suppl):42-50. - Baltussen, R.; Ament, A.; Leidl, R.; van Furth, R. (1997)
Cost-effectiveness of vaccination against pneumococcal pneumonia in the Netherlands
erschienen in: European Journal of Public Health 7(2):153-161. - Leidl, R.; Rhodes, G. (1997)
Cross-border health care in the European Union - An introduction
erschienen in: European Journal of Public Health 7 (3 suppl):1-3. - Postma, MJ.; Tolley, K.; Leidl, R.; Downs, AM.; Beck, EJ.; Tramarin, AM.; Flori, YA.; Santin, M.; Antonanzas, F.; Kornarou, H.; Paparizos, V. ; Dijkgraaf, MGW.; Borleffs, JCC.; Luijben, AJP.; Jager, JC. (1997)
Hospital care for persons with AIDS in the European Union - Assessment of current and future impact controlled for severity stages
erschienen in: Health Policy 41(2): 157-176.
- Goossens, M.; Rutten-van Mölken, M.; Leidl, R.; Bos, S.; Vlaeyen, J.; Teeken-Gruber, N. (1996)
Cognitive-educational treatment of fibromyalgia. A randomized clinical trial - Part II: Economic evaluation
erschienen in: J Rheumatol 23(7):1246-54. - Baltussen, R.; Ament, A.; Leidl, R. (1996)
Making cost assessments based on RCTs more useful to decision-makers
erschienen in: Health Policy 37(3): 163-183. - Baltussen, R.; Leidl, R.; Ament, A. (1996)
The impact of age on cost-effectiveness ratios and its control in decision-making
erschienen in: Health Economics 5(3): 227-239.
- Postma, MJ.; Jager, JC.; Dijkgraaf, MGW.; Borleffs, JCC.; Tolley, K.; Leidl, R. (1995)
AIDS scenarios for the Netherlands: The impact on the health care system
erschienen in: Health Policy 31(2):127-50. - Leidl, R. (1995)
Quantitative thinking in modern, evaluative health economics: An extension of the historical analysis
erschienen in: International Review of Comparative Public Policy 6: 311-321.
- Leidl, R. (1994)
Some factors to consider when using the results of economic evaluation studies at the population level
erschienen in: International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 10 (3):467-78.
- Postma, MJ.; Leidl, R.; Downs, AM.; Rovira, J.; Tolley, K.; Gyldmark, M.; Jager, JC. (1993)
Economic impact of the AIDS epidemic in EC countries: towards multinational scenarios on hospital care and costs
erschienen in: AIDS 7 (4):541-53.
- Leidl, R. (1992)
Health economic issues relevant to countries with aging populations
erschienen in: World Health Statistics Quarterly 45 (1):95-108. - Leidl, R.; John, J.; Mielck, A.; Satzinger, W. (1992)
Perspectives of health reporting for the European Communities
erschienen in: European Journal of Public Health 2:38-44.
- Leidl, R. (1991)
How will the single European market affect health care?
erschienen in: British Medical Journal 303:1081-82.
- Jager, JC.; Postma, MJ.; Leidl, R.; Majnoni d'Intignano, B.; Baert, AE. (1990)
AIDS impact scenarios: Questions for the years to come
erschienen in: AIDS 4 (11):1166-1167.
- Leidl, R. (1989)
Training health services managers: improving health by more health economics?
erschienen in: Health Policy 9 (1):25-37.
- Schwefel, D.; Leidl, R. (1987)
Remarks on the social meaning of savings in the informal sector
erschienen in: Development 2/3:142-144.
- Leidl, R. (1983)
The hospital financing system of the Federal Republic of Germany
erschienen in: Eff Health Care. 1983 Oct;1(3):133-42.