Ausführlicher Lebenslauf (PDF, 719 KB)



  • Since September 2022: Assistant Professor, Institute for Strategy, Technology and Organization, LMU Munich
  • December 2020-September 2022: Assistant Professor, ENSAI/CREST, France
  • October 2018 - November 2020: Postdoctoral Researcher & Incoming LMU Fellow, Institute for Strategy, Technology and Organization, LMU Munich
  • December 2017 - September 2018: Research Assistant, Labex Entreprendre, University of Montpellier, France
  • December 2014 - November 2017: Research Assistant, Economic Research Department, Orange, Paris, France
  • March 2014 - September 2014: Intern, Economic Research Department, Orange, Paris, France


  • PhD in Economics, University of Montpellier, France. Thesis Title: “Essays in Empirical Industrial Organization: Demand and Supply in the Mobile Telecommunications Markets"
  • Masters in Economics, University of Montpellier, France
  • Bachelor in Economics, University of Perpignan, France



  • Consumer Behavior: time preference, switching costs
  • Network industries: competition, pricing, network effects
  • Platform markets


  • Empirics of Organizations (WS 22/23)
  • New products (WS 22/23)