Chiara Birk, M.Sc., MBR

Scientific employee

Institute of Human Resource Education & Management

Key qualifications – START with Business Modelling - Main organization with the institute for "Innovation Management".

Office address:

Ludwigstr. 28 (RG)

Room 313

80539 Munich

Office hours:

On appointment only. Please send an E-mail in advance.

Further Informations

Area of responsibility:

Key Qualifications - START with Business Modelling
- Main organisation with the Chair of Innovation Management
- Supervision of the tutors
- Contact:

Expert opinion/letters of recommendation
PR representative
Supervision of the Institute's school interns

For your concerns regarding the Key Skills - START with Business Modelling course, I can be reached at .

Teaching activitys:

  • Key qualifications - START with Business Modelling (SS 2019; SS 2020, SS 2021)
  • Project Course II: Human Resource Education & Management (WS 2018/19, WS 2019/20; WS 2020/21, WS 2021/22)
  • Human Resource Education & Management I - Exercise (WS 2017/18)
  • Human Resource Education & Management II - Exercise (SS 2018)

Research interests:

Entrepreneurship Education

Professional background:

Since 2017 Research assistant & PhD student at the Institute of Business Education (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich).

2019-2021 Postgraduate studies (Master of Business Research, MBR) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

2016-2018 M.Sc. degree in business education I (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich)

2014-2017 Study-accompanying activities, e.g. Institute for Business Taxation (tutor for Financial Accounting & Internal and External Accounting later "Introduction to Accounting Part 1 & 2"); Institute for Human Capital Management (master tutor for Key Skills - START with Business Planning (new START with Business Modelling).

2012-2016 B.Sc. studies in Business Education I (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich)