Master thesis information

Procedure for awarding Master's theses Status: January 2023

Structure master thesis

The general conditions of the "Information and Service Center for Business and Economics Examinations (ISC)" apply in principle to admission to and processing of the master's thesis. The number of master thesis topics to be assigned depends on the supervisory capacity of the Institute of Human Resource Education & Management.

The topics for the Master's theses to be assigned are based on research foci of the Institute of Human Resource Education & Management (see our homepage: Topics for theses )

To apply to take over a master's thesis, please fill out the form (PDF, 181 KB) available here and send it together with a current bank statement (grade transcript) by e-mail to After the application deadline, the Institute will decide which applications can be accepted for the upcoming submission period and which person at the Institute of Human Resource Education & Management will take over the supervision of the Master's thesis.

After the application deadline, applicants receive an e-mail notification of acceptance or rejection as well as assignment to a supervising person at the chair and thus to a topic area. In case of a positive decision, discussions about the further procedure can be initiated with the supervising person at the ISC at the earliest four weeks before the application deadline.

The following application deadlines are mandatory:

If you wish to apply to the ISC in January / February / March, the application deadline is December 15!

If you wish to apply to the ISC in June / July / August, the application deadline is May 15!

Should the number of applications exceed the supervision capacity of the Institute of Human Resource Education & Management, the vacant supervision places will be allocated primarily according to study progress and academic achievements. For this reason, please enclose a current bank statement with your application.

The formal regulations (PDF, 919 KB) of the Institute of Human Resource Education & Management apply to the preparation of the Master's thesis.

Citation style for Citavi with a short introduction:

Citation style download (ZIP, 26 KB) (as of December 2021)
Introduction to the use of the citation style (PDF, 427 KB)

Citation style for EndNote with short introduction:

Citation style download (ZIP, 6 KB) (as of June 2021)
Introduction to the use of the citation style (PDF, 225 KB)

In order to ensure an appropriate assessment time of the work, the following latest registration dates at the ISC apply to all students who intend to start the Vorbereitungsdienst Lehramt an beruflichen Schulen ("Referendariat"):

If the preparatory service begins in September, the latest registration date at the ISC is 15 February!

If the preparatory service begins in February, the latest registration date at the ISC is 15 July!

A planned start of the preparatory service in September therefore requires an application to the IWP by 15 December of the previous year and by 1 June if the preparatory service is to start in February of the following year.

In the case of late registration, neither a correction of the work nor the issuing of a confirmation of the pass in time for the start date of the preparatory service can be bindingly guaranteed.

If you require early proof of passing after submitting the Master's thesis, this must be discussed in advance with the respective supervisor before the start of the processing period.