Networked (virtual) learning and working spaces
The University School concept, which was introduced at LMU in 2009 and has been continuously developed over the years, has proven its worth even in times of the pandemic and the associated lockdown. With the support of mentors and university lecturers, students have developed digital learning units on various business topics and experimented with a wide range of digital tools.
However, the pandemic has also put the focus on new challenges. These are mainly:
• digitisation in VET (including digital enterprises, digital business processes, domain-specific digital tools, use of digital tools with added pedagogical value)
• new open teaching-learning formats (incl. agile project work, remote learning phases (e.g. digital week))
• digital approaches to support inclusion
• Stronger networking and exchange of VET stakeholders in order to use comparative advantages and expertise in a more targeted way (incl. use of exchange platforms)
Against this background, we developed two concepts and designed them for the events at the university school:
Within the framework of the event "Theory meets Practice I (TmP I)", the diversity of digital implementations in the teaching of the various training programmes of commercial vocational schools (including vocational school, FOS/BOS, business school, ....) was explored, theoretically prepared and analysed as well as reflected upon with the help of an "e-chart".
As part of the course "Theory meets Practice II (TmP II)", the students first developed initial prototypes for selected challenges in vocational training in the context of digitalisation in a digital design thinking workshop. The virtual learning and working space was spanned by a collaborative digital board in combination with a video conference.
Inspired by these experiences, it was the students' task to plan, implement and reflect on a creative workshop on a selected subject-related content in a real classroom at the university school. Self-selected and thus diverse digital media were used for this. The students received didactic support from their mentors and the university lecturers.
Project coordination
University schools:
- Municipal Vocational School for Office Communication and Industrial Clerks Munich
- Therese-von-Bayern School, Vocational Secondary School, State Technical and Vocational Secondary School for Economics, Munich
Selected project topics:
- Addressing central questions and problems of current professional teaching practice
- Development of an analysis tool for monitoring selected teacher education standards
- Critical reflection and discussion of selected teacher education standards
- Action orientation in the classroom
- Design Thinking
- Virtual learning and working spaces
- Virtual teamwork