Course Overview

Course Offer Bachelor (B.Sc.)

C-Type = course type (L: Lecture, E: Exercise, S: Seminar, PS: Proseminar, PC: Project Course, M: Main Seminar)
Course TitleWeekly hoursECTSC-TypeSemesterLink to LSFLink to moodle
Unternehmensrechnung23Lwinter term
Controlling46L/Esummer termL
Business Analytics and Controlling (formerly Controlling with SAP and Excel)46Ssummer termS
Main Seminar Controlling46Ssummer term, winter termM
Nachhaltige Unternehmenssteuerung durch den Finanzvorstand46Swinter term
Data Analytics in Controlling and Accounting46S/PSwinter term

Course Offer Master (M.Sc.)

C-Type = course type (L: Lecture, E: Exercise, S: Seminar, PS: Proseminar, PC: Project Course, M: Main Seminar)
Course TitleWeekly hoursECTSC-TypeSemesterLink to LSFLink to moodle
Accounting Theory69L/Ewinter term
Performance Measurement and Incentive Systems46S/PSsummer termS
Economics of Accounting46S/PSwinter term
Project Course Accounting and Control812PCsummer term/winter termPC
Business Game in Management Accounting23Swinter term

Course Offer MBR / PhD

C-Type = course type (L: Lecture, E: Exercise, S: Seminar, PS: Proseminar, PC: Project Course, M: Main Seminar)
Course TitleWeekly hoursECTSC-TypSemesterLink to LSF
Economics of Accounting46Swinter term
Scientific Publications23PSwinter term, summer termPS

Master Financial and Insurance Mathematcis

Master students of Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (PO 2021) can take the following courses at IUC:

For more detailed information on the individual courses, please refer to the respective course pages in lsf and the syllabi.