

Ludwig Maximilian University of München
LMU Munich School of Management
Institute of Strategic Management

Ludwigstr. 28 RG/III
80539 Munich

Phone: +49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 2770
Fax: +49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 2886

A building overview of Ludwigstr. 28/III can be found here.


Since there are only limited parking spaces near the institute, it is advisable to use public transport.

From Munich Airport

Take the S-Bahn lines S8 or S1 from Munich Airport (MUC) in the direction of the city center to Marienplatz. There you change to the underground line U6 (terminal station Fröttmaning or Garching-Hochbrück) or U3 (terminal station Olympiazentrum) in the direction of Münchner Freiheit. Get off at the Universität stop.

From the central station

From the main train station, take the S-Bahn (all lines) in the direction of the city center and get off at the Marienplatz stop. There you change to the underground line U6 (terminal station Fröttmaning or Garching-Hochbrück) or U3 (terminal station Olympiazentrum) in the direction of Münchner Freiheit. Get off at the Universität stop.