
Informationen für Mathematikstudierende

Mathematik- und Wirtschaftsmathematikstudierende können zu jedem Zeitpunkt eine Bachelorarbeits-/ Masterarbeitsanfrage per Mail an Elisabeth Stöckl (stoeckl@lmu.de) schicken. Bitte hängen Sie Ihren Lebenslauf und einen aktuellen Notenauszug an die Mail an.



Um sich für die Übernahme einer Bachelorarbeit zu qualifizieren, müssen Sie folgende Voraussetzung erfüllen:

  • Erfolgreiche Teilnahme an einem zur Übernahme einer Bachelorarbeit qualifizierenden Hauptseminar (6 ECTS)
  • Teilnahme an einem Hauptseminar aus dem Bereich Finance (Lehrstühle Elsas / Glaser / Jaspersen / Richter / Riordan) ist empfehlenswert


Studierende müssen sich vor der Bekanntgabe der Themen am Lehrstuhl für eine Bachelorarbeit bewerben. Dies erfolgt mittels untenstehender Anmeldemaske, die während des jeweiligen Bewerbungszeitraums freigeschaltet ist. Die Bachelorarbeiten werden gemeinschaftlich mit dem Lehrstuhl für Behavioral Risk Management and Insurance (Prof. Jaspersen) organisiert.

Bachelorarbeiten können am Institut für Risikomanagement und Versicherung zu vier Startterminen im Jahr begonnen werden:

  • Anfang des Wintersemesters: Abgabe der Arbeit vor Weihnachten
  • Ende des Wintersemesters nach Ablauf der Klausurenphase: Abgabe der Arbeit im folgenden Sommersemester
  • Anfang des Sommersemesters: Abgabe der Arbeit Mitte/Ende Juni
  • Ende des Sommersemesters nach Ablauf der Klausurenphase: Abgabe der Arbeit im folgenden Wintersemester

Anmeldemaske Bachelorarbeit

Bitte beachten Sie bei Ihrer Verfügbarkeitsplanung, dass ca. 2 Woche nach der Abgabe der Bachelorarbeit ein mündliches Bachelorarbeitskolloquium stattfindet.

Die Themen für Bachelorarbeiten werden vom Lehrstuhl vorgegeben und rechtzeitig veröffentlicht. Nach Angabe der Themen haben die Studierenden die Möglichkeit, fünf Präferenzen anzugeben. Ein Anspruch auf ein bestimmtes Thema besteht nicht, wir bemühen uns aber, Themenpräferenzen so gut wie möglich nachzukommen.

Eine Übersicht über bereits bearbeitete Themen finden Sie im Themenarchiv.

Termine für die Bachelorarbeit mit Bearbeitungsbeginn zum Ende des Wintersemesters 2024/25

  • 1. Verbindliche Anmeldung am Institut bis zum 27.01.2025 um 12:00 Uhr (Online-Anmeldemaske)
  • 2. Bekanntgabe der Themen am 19.02.2025 (per E-Mail)
  • 3. Angabe der Themenpräferenzen bis zum 26.02.2025 (per E-Mail)
  • 4. Themenzuteilung (per E-Mail) und Bearbeitungsbeginn am 05.03.2025
  • 5. Abgabe am 30.04.2025 (beim ISC)
  • 6. Mündliches Bachelorarbeitskolloquium (ca. 2 Wochen nach der Abgabe der Bachelorarbeit)

Bei Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Elisabeth Stöckl.

Inhaltliche Fragen zu Ihrer Bachelorarbeit während der Bearbeitungszeit beantwortet Ihnen Ihr jeweiliger Betreuer/ Ihre jeweilige Betreuerin.


Masterarbeiten können am Institut für Risikomanagement und Versicherung (INRIVER) jederzeit begonnen werden. Wir empfehlen Studierenden, die bei uns eine Masterarbeit verfassen möchten, die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an den am INRIVER angebotenen grundlegenden und fortgeschrittenen Veranstaltungen (z.B. Insurance Economics, Reinsurance, Value Based Management of Financial Institutions).

Um sich am Institut für eine Übernahme einer Masterarbeit zu bewerben, bitten wir Sie nachstehende Anmeldemaske auszufüllen.

Anmeldemaske Masterarbeit

Die derzeit ausgeschriebenen Themen für Masterarbeiten finden Sie unter Aktuelle Themen. Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit, eigene Themen vorzuschlagen. Bitte beachten Sie hierzu unseren Leitfaden "Informationen zum Verfassen einer Masterarbeit" unter "weitere Informationen".

Eine Übersicht über bereits bearbeitete Themen finden Sie im Themenarchiv.

Bei Interesse an einer Masterarbeit am Institut für Risikomanagement und Versicherung kontaktieren Sie bitte Elisabeth Stöckl. Sehen Sie bitte davon ab, einzelne Assistenten direkt auf die Übernahme einer Masterarbeit anzusprechen.

Inhaltliche Fragen zu Ihrer Bachelorarbeit während der Bearbeitungszeit beantwortet Ihnen Ihr jeweiliger Betreuer/ Ihre jeweilige Betreuerin.

Für alle Studierenden, die an unserem Lehrstuhl ihre Masterarbeit verfassen, ist die regelmäßige Teilnahme am Vertiefungskolloquium verpflichtend.

Im Rahmen des Vertiefungskolloquiums werden von jedem/jeder Studierenden nach etwa der Hälfte der Bearbeitungszeit das eigene Thema und die im Rahmen der Masterarbeit verfolgten Schwerpunkte vorgestellt.

Der eigene Vortrag ist verpflichtend; die Vorträge der anderen Studierenden sollen zur konstruktiven Diskussion anregen und Verbesserungshinweise für die/den Vortragende(n) hervorbringen. Zudem dienen sie dazu, die fachliche Perspektive aller Teilnehmer zu erweitern und andere Themen kennenzulernen.

Weitere Anmerkungen

  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Vortragsdauer: Die Vorträge sollen für 30min konzipiert sein. Erfahrungsgemäß werden die restlichen 30min zur allgemeinen Diskussion verwendet.
  • Termine: Die genauen Termine des Vertiefungskolloquiums werden rechtzeitig per E-Mail mitgeteilt.


Studierende, die eine Seminar- oder Abschlussarbeit an unserem Lehrstuhl verfassen, weisen wir auf unsere Formvorschriften hin. Die Beachtung dieser Richtlinien ist grundsätzlich verpflichtend und soll Ihnen die notwendige Anleitung geben, eine formal korrekte Arbeit zu verfassen.

Bei konkreten Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an den jeweiligen Betreuer.

Formvorschriften (PDF, 222 KB)

Empfehlungen zum Umgang mit generativen und anderen KI-Tools (PDF, 84 KB)

Vorlage für Abschlussarbeit (DOCX, 161 KB)

Vorlage für Seminararbeit (DOCX, 158 KB)

Aktuelle Themen für Masterarbeiten

Supervisor: Leonard Külpp

Over the past two decades, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) has gained increasing attention, particularly from regulators, as a key approach to understanding and managing the diverse risks that corporations encounter. Unlike traditional risk management, which often addresses risks in silos, ERM seeks to integrate risk considerations across the entire organization, providing a comprehensive view of the firm's risk landscape. This approach aims to allow for a more informed decision-making process and enhance firm value by capitalizing on the interdependencies among various risks.

The objective of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the adoption and value relevance of ERM for European companies. The thesis should start by defining ERM and differentiating it from traditional risk management. Afterwards, this thesis should discuss theoretical arguments for whether ERM creates value. The focus of this thesis should then be an empirical analysis of the prevalence of ERM programs within European companies and whether these programs add value to the companies.

Note: Data for this research will need to be downloaded on your own from WRDS, Eikon (accessible through the Institute for Finance and Banking) and other sources. Basic knowledge of statistical learning techniques and experience with a programming language, e.g., R or Python, are highly recommended.

Supervisor. Leonardo Covis

Insurance companies are uniquely dependent on weather for their financial performance. Weather related natural disasters such as floods and hurricanes lead to property damage; high temperatures can lead to acute health problems; and weather anomalies such as floods or droughts affect agricultural productivity. All of these phenomena have direct and indirect effects on insurance indemnity payments and demand, and are also heavily influenced by climate change.

This thesis will explore the connection between weather and insurance firm performance. The student should collect weather or weather-anomaly data, for instance from the Actuaries Climate Index (https://actuariesclimateindex.org/) or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and combine this with insurance firm financial performance, for instance from the CRSP or Eikon databases. The aim of this thesis is to measure the financial impact of weather on insurance firm performance, for instance by using CAPM and calculating the impact of weather on stock value. The student should use appropriate empirical methods and robustness checks in their analysis.

Depression shifts cognitive processes, including how individuals handle information and make decisions under risk and uncertainty, such as educational, occupational, and investment choices. Exploring the relationship between depression and risk preferences is important for understanding the decision-making of the depressed individuals and ultimately for assessing the welfare implications of depression. While previous research has generally examined the relationship between mental health changes and risk preferences and behaviors, the specific influence of depression on these preferences and behaviors is less well understood.

The objective of this thesis is to explore how depression influences risk preferences and risk-taking behaviors. The thesis should start by reviewing proposed theoretical mechanisms through which depression influences risk preferences and decision-making in risky situations. Following this, the thesis will discuss empirical findings from various fields to provide context and support for the analysis. The core focus will be on conducting an empirical investigation to determine whether depression causally influences risk preferences and behaviors, with particular attention to how these effects may differ based on individual personality traits.

Note: Data for this research will need to be downloaded on your own. Basic knowledge of statistical analysis techniques and experience with a programming language, such as Matlab or Stata, is highly recommended.



  • Classical risk management theorems without the expected utility paradigm
  • Insurance industry response to climate change
  • The Potentials and Challenges of Microinsurance
  • Psychological and social determinants of insurance fraud
  • The role of self-control in household saving behavior
  • The role of memory for decision making under risk
  • The Impact of Disasters on Risk Aversion
  • Insurance industry response to climate change
  • The value of a statistical life and its applications in policymaking
  • Climate change and time discounting
  • "Are Insurance Companies leading the Sustainability Movement? A
    Comparative Analysis of ESG-Scores and its Value Relevance"
  • Information avoidance
  • "New Risks require New Solutions? A Literature Review of the Evolving
    Cyber Risk Landscape and the Insurance Industry’s Response"
  • Moral hazard in workers compensation insurance
  • Index Insurance: Developing vs. High-Income Countries


  • The impact of macroeconomic factors on insurers' profitability
  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the profitability of insurance companies in the US
  • The value of a statistical life in the light of the Covid-19 pandemic
  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the European insurance industry
  • Climate Change and the Insurance Sector: An Application to Crop Insurance
  • Insights from behavioral economics about personal vaccination decisions
  • Company’s risk management strategies


  • Institutional differences in liability insurance: A comparison between the United States and Germany
  • The impact of health insurance on health
  • Risk-taking behavior of children and adolescents
  • Ambiguity in risk management decisions – What happens if we do not understand what happens?
  • The role of probability weighting in risk management decisions
  • Climate Change is Not a Hoax: The Influence of Cognitive Distortions, News, Culture and Trust on Public Climate Risk Perception
  • Evaluating risk classification bans
  • An analysis of household savings behavior
  • The impact of CEO overconfidence on firm performance
  • The Concept of Stochastic Dominance and its Relaxations
  • The Impact of Gender on the Willingness to Take Risks
  • Insurance demand in the presence of background risk
  • Violations of Expected Utility Theory
  • Individual vs. Aggregate Risk Aversion: Measurement Approaches
  • Are Companies Prepared for Cyber Risk?
  • Time-Varying Risk Aversion and Other Changes in Risk Preferences
  • The impact of social inflation on the insurance industry
  • The timing of prevention activities
  • Insurance in credence goods markets – Blessing or curse?


  • Claims auditing and bonus-malus systems: An analysis of measures against insurance fraud
  • The impact of regret on insurance fraud
  • Intertemporal prevention decisions with multiple risks
  • The impact of future income worries on household saving behavior
  • The effect of telematics on moral hazard in insurance markets


  • The securitization of extreme event risks
  • Privacy concerns in insurance markets
  • Public-private partnerships: A means of making pandemic risks insurable?
  • Adverse selection in automobile insurance markets
  • Elicitation of Risk Preferences
  • The determinants of heterogeneous risk preferences
  • Do CEOs Matter? On CEO characteristics and corporate policies
  • Saving = investing? The determinants of stock market participation
  • The demand for insurance – a comparison between Expected Utility Theory and Regret Theory
  • The impact of machine learning on insurance fraud detection
  • The impact of the demographic change on the insurance industry
  • On the Optimal Choice between Prevention and Cure
  • Risk Preferences when Deciding for Others
  • An international comparison of health insurance concepts
  • The Newsvendor Problem: Theory and Evidence
  • An evaluation of parametric insurance
  • Asymmetric information in disability insurance
  • The design of area-based crop insurance
  • Moral Hazard in Liability Insurance
  • Risk Perception and Insurance Demand
  • The determinants of life insurance demand
  • Recent trends in life reinsurance
  • On the reduction of external moral hazard
  • Increasing Company Value through Enterprise Risk Management
  • Selection in insurance markets: A comparison between life insurance and annuities
  • Incentivizing Healthy Behaviour
  • Estimating Risk Preferences from Insurance Choices
  • Behavioral biases in the management of extreme event risks – Are natural catastrophes and pandemics two sides of the same coin?
  • Equilibrium concepts in insurance markets with adverse selection: Theory and empirics
  • Risk classification – What’s next?
  • Verpflichtende Flutversicherung – Eine kritische Analyse
  • Combating moral hazard through bonus-malus systems


  • The Influence of Financial Literacy on Insurance Fraud
  • Zur Bedeutung von Zusatzleistungen in der Privaten Krankenversicherung – Eine experimentelle Untersuchung
  • Sustainability in the Insurance Industry – A Situation Analysis
  • Willingness to pay for morbidity and mortality risk reductions during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Quantifying Information in Risk Management Decisions
  • On the Interaction between Crop Yields and Weather
  • The U.S. Federal Crop Insurance Program and Information Asymmetries: Theoretical and Empirical Studies
  • Information unraveling in the case of German universities
  • On the impact of Enterprise Risk Management: Measuring ERM’s impact on firm performance with an ERM Index
  • Study of an Experimental Test on Insurance Demand
  • The effect of education and financial literacy on financial decisions


  • Moral Hazard in Health Insurance Markets
  • The Demand for Disability Insurance
  • Flood insurance markets around the world – A critical review
  • The Nature and Management of Interdependent Risks
  • Microinsurance
  • The concept of risk aversion: Theory and estimation
  • Analyzing insurance decisions in laboratory experiments
  • Pandemics: From Risk Perception to Risk Mitigation
  • Liquidity constraints and insurance
  • The Health Effects of Smoking Bans
  • Ambiguity Preferences: Theory and Evidence
  • The annuity puzzle
  • The Weisbrod Quadrilemma
  • Self-insurance-cum-protection
  • Testing for Adverse Selection in Health Insurance markets
  • Future Applications of Parametric Insurance: A Solution to the Coverage of Digital Risks?
  • Genetic Testing and Health Insurance Markets
  • Solvency II Put to the Test
  • Does Solvency II’s standard model adequately identify pandemic and cyber risks?
  • The determinants of insurance fraud and possible countermeasures
  • Are flood insurance markets prepared for climate change? – A critical review
  • The insurability of pandemic and cyber risks – A comparison
  • How Does COVID-19 Affect the Insurance Industry? A Situation Analysis on Impacts and Insurance Solutions
  • Moral Hazard and the Development of New Technologies to Reduce Information Asymmetries
  • The impact of choice overload on insurance decisions
  • The role of overconfidence in economic decision-making
  • Is Parametric Insurance the Breakthrough for Pandemic Disaster Risk Financing?
  • Insurance Solutions to Premium Risk in Health Insurance
  • Expected Utility Theory: Strengths and Weaknesses
  • On moral hazard and checklists
  • Decision-making under risk – a comparison between Expected Utility Theory and Prospect Theory
  • The more, the merrier? On the impact of big data on insurance
  • Do groups make better decisions? An analysis of group and individual decision-making
  • The U.S. market for flood insurance – Can the National Flood Insurance Program and the private market coexist?
  • Improving household decisions in financial contexts – Are nudges enough?
  • Covid-19, climate change, and time discounting
  • Life insurance cancellation behavior in the small and in the large
  • Higher Degree Risk Preferences
  • Equilibrium Selection in Coordination Games
  • Background Risks and Precautionary Effort
  • Exogenous and endogenous risk determinants of Covid-19
  • The Impact of Climate Change on the Insurance Industry
  • The Demand for Extended Warranties
  • The Impact of Disaster Events on Insurance Supply and Demand
  • The Influence of Opt-Out Contracts on the Demand for Natural Disaster Insurance
  • Behavioral Anomalies and Nudging: What Can Insurers Do when their Customers Behave Weird?
  • How do External Shocks Affect Customer Behavior? On the Effects of COVID-19 on Stationary and Digital Insurance Distribution


  • Determinants of surviving natural catastrophes
  • The Transformative Potential of 5G Technology for the Re-/Insurance Industry
  • Robust comparative statics of risk changes: An application to precautionary saving
  • Does hindsight matter? The impact of feedback availability on risk reduction decisions
  • On the empirical validity of prevention
  • The Effect of Health Insurance Coverage on Preventive Care and Risky Health Behaviors
  • Gender-Specific Differences in Risky Health Behaviors and Preventive Care Utilization
  • On the utility of gambling in the presence of consumption commitments
  • The effect of contract nonperformance on moral hazard in insurance markets
  • The role of prevention activities under risk type uncertainty
  • The effect of insurance fraud on markets for repair goods
  • The catastrophe risk management implication of ownership form
  • Experimental Tests of Underinsurance of Low-Probability, High-Consequence Events
  • The Impact of Pre-Plant Precipitation on Crop Insurance Take-Up
  • Optimal insurance demand: An intertemporal reinvestigation
  • The Influence of Framing on Insurance Take-Up
  • Regret Theory with Unknown Counterfactuals
  • The effect of organizational form on earnings management in the insurance industry
  • Endogene Fertilität und öffentliche Rentenversicherungssysteme
  • The development of enterprise risks


  • The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Insurance Coverage
  • Overconfidence and Optimism
  • The U.S. National Flood Insurance Program - A critical review
  • Who Needs More Help? On the Heterogeneous Effectiveness of Disease Prevention
  • Digital Identity and the Insurance Market: A Critical Review
  • On the Analysis of Moral Hazard using Experimental Studies
  • Externe Schocks und die Nachfrage nach Versicherungsschutz
  • Health Insurance Exchanges in the United States and their impact on consumer choices
  • The loss reserve error of insurers - a measure for earnings management
  • Life Insurance and Asymmetric Information
  • Behavior under risk and uncertainty: Evidence from insurance choices
  • Altruism and the Samaritan’s dilemma – implications for the provision of insurance
  • On the Management of Privacy Risks
  • Financial Literacy and Retirement Planning
  • Habit Formation and Incentives for Exercise. A Critical Review of the Experimental Evidence
  • The insurability of cyber risks
  • Insurance Contract Nonperformance
  • On the Coexistence of Public and Private Health Insurance in Germany
  • Insurance choices and mitigation efforts in the U.S. National Flood Insurance Program
  • Moralisches Risiko in der Krankenversicherung
  • Expected Utility vs. (Cumulative) Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision-Making under Risk
  • The U.S. Federal Crop Insurance Program and Farmers’ Behavior
  • Benefits and Challenges of Nudging in Insurance Contexts
  • Gain or Loss? What is the reference point?
  • On the Value of Enterprise Risk Management


  • The Influence of Risk Aversion on Life Choices in Different Domains
  • An Evaluation of the Evaluation of Risks
  • Optimal insurance demand: An intertemporal reinvestigation
  • Measurement of Health Status: Evidence from the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS)
  • Health Status and Social Risk Factors: Evidence from the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS)
  • The Influence of Terrorism on Health
  • Decision-Making under Risk and Underlying Risk Preferences: Different Images of the Truth?
  • Subjective Life Expectancy and Precautionary Behavior
  • Gender differences in risk-taking: Are men more willing to take (financial) risks than women?


  • Selektionseffekte und moralisches Risiko im deutschen Krankenversicherungsmarkt
  • Der Einfluss von Wohlstand auf Risikoaversion
  • The Effects of Health Insurance Coverage on Health Utilization and Preventive Care
  • Präferenzen hinsichtlich der Teilung von Risiken und Risikoteilungsgemeinschaften
  • "House Money Effect": Eine Analyse bestehender Literatur
  • The Influence of Games and Gamification on Health Decisions
  • Advantageous Selection in Insurance Markets
  • Why Do Private Long-Term Care Insurance Markets Fail?
  • Die (Un-)Versicherbarkeit von Terrorrisiken vor dem Hintergrund nationaler Versicherungsprogramme für Terrorrisiken
  • The Impact of Information Overload and Choice Overload on Retirement Planning
  • Analyse und Vergleich der Risikopräferenzen von Individuen und Gruppen
  • On the Explanations for the Privacy Paradox
  • On the Context Stability of Risk Preferences
  • Prozessfairness und Ergebnisfairness: Gegenüberstellung und Analyse
  • Der Einfluss politischer Verbindungen auf den Erfolg von Unternehmen
  • The General Risk Question – Characteristics and Applications
  • Religion and Risk Management
  • Optimal insurance demand under contract nonperformance risk
  • Probability Weighting: Theory and Evidence
  • Insurer risk management and natural catastrophe risks
  • The Impact of Catastrophes on the Value of Insurance Companies
  • Kreditvergabe zwischen Privatpersonen: Eine Analyse
  • Der Zusammenhang von Teamstruktur und Performance bei riskanten Entscheidungssituationen
  • U.S. insurers, higher-risk business and natural disaster insurance
  • An Economic Analysis of Medication Adherence
  • The Value of Information in Decision Making under Risk and Uncertainty
  • Der Effekt von Krankenversicherung auf die Gesundheit
  • Moral Hazard in Health Insurance Markets
  • Formal Versus Informal Long-Term Care – Substitutes or Complements?
  • On the Demand for Insurance
  • Die Regulierung der medizinischen Schadenquote durch den Affordable Care Act
  • The puzzle of coexisting ownership forms – Is it affected by the rise of natural catastrophes?
  • The Economic Consequences of Terrorism
  • Die Auswirkung von erhöhter Risikoaversion auf die Versicherungsnachfrage und das Sparverhalten
  • The Influence of Natural Disasters on the Demand for Insurance
  • An Economic Analysis of Different Remuneration Systems in the Insurance Market
  • Regret and Disappointment Aversion


  • The Influence of Risk Aversion on Life Choices in Different Domains
  • An Evaluation of the Evaluation of Risks
  • Optimal insurance demand: An intertemporal reinvestigation
  • Measurement of Health Status: Evidence from the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS)
  • Health Status and Social Risk Factors: Evidence from the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS)
  • The Influence of Terrorism on Health
  • Decision-Making under Risk and Underlying Risk Preferences: Different Images of the Truth?
  • Subjective Life Expectancy and Precautionary Behavior
  • Gender differences in risk taking: Are men more willing to take (financial) risks than women?


  • Management and Insurance of Cyber Risks
  • A comparison of different strategies to reduce crime
  • Learning in Game Theoretic Environments
  • Determinants of Individual Choice Quality in Insurance Markets
  • P2P-Versicherung – Das Geschäftsmodell der Zukunft?
  • Danger of terror: An analysis of economic and social factors influencing the radicalization of individuals
  • Timing of the resolution of uncertainty
  • Life Insurance Lapse Behavior
  • Motives for Reserve Error Manipulation - Theory and Evidence
  • Moral Hazard and the U.S. Crop Insurance Program
  • Die Nachfrage nach Garantieverlängerungen
  • The Annuity Puzzle
  • Variable Organizational Risk Preferences
  • Moralisches Risiko und die Entwicklung neuer Technologien zur Reduktion von Informationsasymmetrien
  • On the Merit of Information Avoidance
  • Valuing Catastrophes Using the Life Satisfaction Approach
  • Operationale Risiken und Reputationsschäden in der Finanzindustrie - eine Ökonomische Analyse
  • Asymmetric Information in Long-Term Care Insurance Markets
  • Insurance of Epidemic and Pandemic Risks
  • Externes Moralisches Risiko in Versicherungsmärkten
  • “Peer”-Effekte in Entscheidungen unter Risiko
  • Soziale Präferenzen und ihre experimentelle Überprüfung
  • Charity Hazard – Der Einfluss staatlicher Rettungspakete auf die individuelle Risikovorsorge
  • On the Economic Incentives of Health Savings Accounts
  • Financial Literacy and Retirement Planning
  • Corporate Governance in the Insurance Industry
  • The Measurement of Risk Preferences
  • Anreize und finanzielle Entlohnungsstrukturen
  • Entscheidungen von Einzelpersonen und Gruppenentscheidungen: Eine Analyse
  • External Shocks and the Demand for Insurance Coverage
  • Longevity and Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Marktmechanismen und die Analyse von Märkten in experimentellen Untersuchungen
  • The Impact of Activity Tacking Devices on Asymmetric Information in the Health Insurance Market
  • Big Data und die Grundprinzipien der Versicherung
  • Der Einfluss von Erfahrung und Beratung auf das Entscheidungsverhalten von Individuen
  • The Massachusetts Health Reform and the Affordable Care Act


  • The annuity puzzle: Reasons for and strategies to overcome it
  • Wahlfreiheit und Wettbewerb in der deutschen GKV
  • An Economic Analysis of Suicide Terrorism
  • Die Verwendung von Wettbewerben zur Begrenzung von Moralischem Risiko
  • Risk Management of Policyholder Movement in Health Insurance
  • The Influence of Terrorism on the Stock Prices of Insurers
  • Changes in Risk and Optimal Prevention Effort
  • The Effect of Premium Subsidies on Moral Hazard in Insurance Markets
  • The Influence of Financial Incentives on Health-Related Preventive Behavior
  • Expected Health Care Utilization and Optimism Bias
  • Marine Reinsurance – Modelling and Economic Influences
  • Bedarfsgerechte Beratung 2.0 - Eine Betrachtung der Vereinbarkeit von regulierungskonformer Beratungsdokumentation mit der zunehmenden Relevanz des Online-Vertriebs
  • Which consumer types consider product quality ratings in their purchasing decision?