Behavioral Aspects of Risk Management and Insurance

This seminar familiarizes participants with behavioral aspects of decision making under risk – especially in the context of insurance decisions.

  • DE - Bitte beachten: Es gibt keine deutsche Kursseite, da der Kurs nur in englisch angeboten wird.
  • EN - Please note: This page has no German version because the course is only offered in English.

Quick Info: Summer Semester 2023 | Hauptseminar | Bachelor BWL | English | 6 ECTS | Successful participation qualifies for writing a bachelor thesis


CourseBehavioral Aspects of Risk Management and
ChairBehavioral Risk Management and Insurance
Professor Prof. Dr. Johannes Jaspersen
Assistant Andreas Dambaur


This seminar familiarizes participants with behavioral aspects of decision making under risk – especially in the context of insurance decisions. Classic economic theory will be contrasted with empirical and experimental findings from behavioral science and explanatory approaches based on alternative decision theories will be discussed.

Assignment & Grading

Students are assigned a topic according to their preference ordering, prepare a seminar paper (approx. 10-12 pages) on this topic, and give a 15-minute presentation of their paper. Presentations are followed by a 10-minute group discussion in which active participation is expected. Moreover, students are required to prepare a 5-minute peer-review presentation on one of the other participants’ seminar papers. Grading will be based on written (50%) as well as on oral (50%) contributions.

Tentative Schedule

The seminar will take place on the dates listed below. Rooms 312 and 314 are located on the third floor of Schackstr. 4, 80539 Munich. Attendance to all scheduled meetings of the course is mandatory.

17.04.202316:00-18:00 s.t.314Kick-off
21.04.202312:00 (noon)EmailTopic assignment
03.05.2023 - 05.05.2023
Zoom / 312Individual discussion of proposed
paper structure
16.06.2023Until 11:59amEmailSubmission deadline seminar paper
28.06.2023 & 29.06.2023IndividualZoom / 312Individual feedback sessions
05.07.2023Until 11:59amEmailSubmission deadline presentations
06.07.2023 & 07.07.202309:00-13:00 s.t.314Presentations and discussions